Classes are held 3 times a week online. In the lessons the instructor gives theory and practice, and for consolidation gives homework.

In addition, you will have access to a telegram chat with discussion of the material, the instructor’s questions and various useful materials.

During the course you will work on your diploma project, which you will defend at the end of the course.

Course syllabus

  1. Principles of modern websites and applications. Tasks of frontend and backend
  2. What happens on the client side. HTML, CSS, basic adaptive layout
    Basics of JavaScript. Bootstrap as a tool for building test sites
    Basics of PHP. Fundamentals of procedural and functional programming (conditions, loops, functions, recursion). 5.
  3. Working with forms. POST and GET Http requests. Working with JSON
  4. Principles of OOP in practice
  5. The basics of database design. Relationships between tables. Normal forms
  6. Connecting to a database with PDO
  7. MySQL subd, PhpMyAdmin, SQL queries
  8. Building a CRUD application using “Repository” pattern
    MVC architecture: routing, controllers, models, views
    Asynchronous queries using JavaScript
  9. Laravel framework: basic structure and settings
  10. Migrations, Factories, Seeders
  11. Components, blade directives, resources, middleware
  12. Authorization, roles, validation on frontend and backend
  13. Queues, Observers, Collections
  14. Creating administrator panel