Is PHP Dead?

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, the role and relevance of various programming languages are subjects of constant debate. One such language is PHP, which often finds itself under scrutiny. 

A common misconception persists that PHP is falling out of favor or becoming obsolete in the realm of modern web development. However, this assertion deserves a more nuanced examination.

PHP, or Hypertext Preprocessor, has held an influential position in web development since its inception in 1994. It was one of the first server-side scripting languages embedded in HTML, making it possible to generate dynamic web pages quickly and efficiently. 

As a result, PHP has been integral to the development and operation of some of the largest and most visited websites on the internet, including Facebook and WordPress. Despite the emergence of many new languages and frameworks, PHP continues to be widely used and remains a crucial part of the web development ecosystem.

In this article, we aim to shed light on PHP’s current status and future in web development. We will delve into its strengths, explore common criticisms, and discuss how it compares to other popular languages. 

Additionally, we will look at how PHP is adapting to the changing technological landscape and what this means for its future. By providing a balanced perspective, we hope to dispel any misconceptions and provide you with a comprehensive understanding of PHP’s place in modern web development.

A Historical Perspective

The language was initially created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf for tracking visits to his online resume. This rudimentary version, called Personal Home Page Tools (PHP Tools), was far from the PHP we know today.

PHP’s Evolution

The evolution of PHP can be traced back to its humble beginnings as a simple set of Common Gateway Interface binaries written in the C programming language. Over the years, PHP has grown and changed in response to the needs of its users and the challenges posed by technological advancements.

In 1997, two Israeli developers, Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, rewrote the parser and released PHP 3, which saw a significant increase in its adoption. Recognizing PHP’s potential, they went on to establish Zend Technologies and launched PHP 4 in May 2000, which included significant improvements such as support for more web servers, HTTP sessions, output buffering, among others.

PHP 5, released in July 2004, was a landmark in PHP’s development. It introduced enhanced object-oriented programming, MySQLi extension, and robust error handling mechanisms. This made it more popular among developers, leading to widespread use in web development.

Major Milestones

The release of PHP 7 in December 2015 was another major milestone in PHP’s history. It brought about significant improvements in performance, reduced memory consumption, and provided numerous features like scalar type declarations, return type declarations, null coalescing operators, and more.

PHP 8.0 came out in November 2020. It introduced features like Just In Time (JIT) compiler, named arguments, attributes, constructor property promotion, union types, and more.

In summary, the history of PHP is a testament to its resilience and ability to adapt with the times. It has continuously evolved, from a simple scripting tool to a powerful server-side scripting language that powers millions of websites today. 

Despite the emergence of newer languages, PHP continues to hold its ground in the world of web development, proving that it is far from being dead.

The Popularity Debate

PHP’s Current Usage

Despite the rise of numerous modern programming languages, PHP has managed to retain its position as one of the most widely used server-side scripting languages. As of 2023, research shows that PHP is used by a staggering 76.8% of all websites whose server-side programming language is known. This equates to over 33.7 million live websites.

PHP’s prevalence isn’t just limited to small or medium-sized projects either. Many of the world’s largest and most popular websites, including Facebook and WordPress, use PHP for their back-end development. This wide-scale adoption demonstrates the continued relevance and robustness of PHP in the industry.

Why the Perception of Decline?

Despite these impressive statistics, there is a perception of PHP’s decline in the tech industry. This perception can be attributed to several factors, primarily the emergence of new technologies and frameworks.

The rise of JavaScript and its frameworks, such as Node.js for back-end development, has posed significant competition to PHP. These newer technologies often come with features that appeal to the modern developer’s needs, such as real-time data updates, and they also allow for full-stack development in one language.

Additionally, languages like Python have gained popularity due to their simplicity and versatility, particularly in growing fields like data science and machine learning.

Another reason behind this perception could be that PHP is an old language, and with age often comes the stigma of being outdated. However, as the saying goes, “old is gold,” PHP has proven its worth and continues to evolve with the changing technological landscape.

In conclusion, while PHP faces competition from newer technologies, it is far from dead. Its wide usage and continuous development ensure that it remains a relevant and viable option for web development today.

PHP’s Strengths and Advantages

Ease of Learning and Use

One of PHP’s most significant advantages is its simplicity and low learning curve, making it an excellent choice for beginners. This server-side scripting language is embedded within HTML, allowing developers to integrate and execute code seamlessly within the webpage itself. 

The syntax is logical and well-organized, with a style that is quite similar to C and Java, which many students learn early in their programming journey. Additionally, PHP’s extensive library of predefined functions simplifies tasks such as connecting to a database or sending emails.

All these factors contribute to PHP’s reputation as a beginner-friendly language that also packs a punch for more experienced developers.


PHP’s versatility is another factor contributing to its enduring popularity. It supports a wide range of web development needs, from simple websites to complex web applications. Thanks to its compatibility with all major operating systems and web servers, PHP can be used almost universally. Furthermore, PHP is the backbone of many popular content management systems (CMS) like WordPress and Joomla, and e-commerce platforms such as Magento and WooCommerce. This versatility ensures that PHP remains a go-to choice for developers catering to various project requirements.

Large Community and Support

Contrary to the notion of PHP being outdated, it boasts a large and active community of developers. This community plays a crucial role in providing extensive support, sharing knowledge, troubleshooting issues, and continuously improving the language. 

PHP’s official website offers comprehensive documentation and user-contributed notes, serving as an invaluable resource for both novice and seasoned developers. Moreover, the PHP community regularly updates the language with new features, security enhancements, and performance improvements, ensuring its relevance in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

Modern PHP and Latest Trends

PHP 7+

PHP 7, released in December 2015, marked a significant turning point in PHP’s evolution. This version brought about massive redesigns, new language constructs, and most importantly, substantial performance improvements. It is estimated that PHP 7 offers a 100% improvement in performance speed over PHP 5.6.

One of the key enhancements was the introduction of the Zend Engine 3.0, which resulted in lower memory consumption and increased speed. Benchmarks show that PHP 7 provides roughly a 1.8x increase in performance compared to PHP 5.6.

Security also received a major boost in PHP 7, with features such as a filtered unserialize function and improved password hashing. These improvements have allowed PHP to remain a strong choice for web development, even in the face of newer languages.

Subsequent releases, including PHP 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and PHP 8.0, continued this trend of improving performance and adding features. For instance, PHP 7.4 introduced typed properties and arrow functions, while PHP 8.0 added attributes and a Just-In-Time compiler.

PHP Frameworks

Modern PHP frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, and Yii have also contributed to PHP’s enduring relevance. These frameworks provide a structured and efficient way to build web applications, offering features such as MVC architecture, database abstraction, routing, and security.

Laravel, in particular, has seen a surge in popularity due to its elegant syntax, robust ecosystem, and focus on developer experience. Symfony, on the other hand, is known for its flexibility and modularity, making it a great choice for complex enterprise projects. Meanwhile, Yii stands out for its performance and easy integration with third-party components.

The Future of PHP

PHP 8 and Beyond

PHP’s journey continues with the release of PHP 8.0 in November 2020, demonstrating the language’s commitment to evolution and improvement. PHP 8.0 introduced several new features and optimizations that enhance performance, improve syntax, and provide better error handling.

One of the most significant features is the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler, which can significantly boost performance for certain types of code. Named arguments, attributes, and match expressions are among the other notable features that enhance PHP’s flexibility and readability.

PHP in Emerging Technologies

As technology evolves, PHP is not being left behind. It’s making strides in integrating with emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud computing.

For instance, libraries like PHP-ML offer machine learning tools for PHP, enabling developers to implement complex predictive algorithms or natural language processing tasks right within their PHP applications. In the realm of IoT, PHP can be used to create server-side applications that collect, analyze, and process data from IoT devices.

Furthermore, PHP works seamlessly with cloud services, and many cloud providers offer robust support for PHP applications. This allows PHP developers to leverage the scalability, reliability, and power of cloud computing.

PHP and Front End Development 

In the contemporary digital landscape, PHP continues to hold its ground firmly not just in backend development but also in facilitating front end development outsourcing. It’s a common practice among businesses to outsource front end development to focus on their core competencies while ensuring a high-quality user interface. 

Although PHP itself is not used for frontend development, its robust integration capabilities with frontend technologies make it a reliable choice for businesses opting for such outsourcing. For example, the PHP framework Lavarel can be efficiently combined with Vue.js to build interactive user interfaces.

Final Words 

PHP is an enduring and versatile choice for web development, owing not only to its ease of use but also to its continuous enhancements and robust community support. The language’s substantial evolution, particularly since the release of PHP 7 and beyond, has seen dramatic improvements in performance speed, security, and memory consumption. 

The adoption of modern PHP frameworks, such as Laravel, Symfony, and Yii, has further cemented PHP’s standing, offering developers a structured and efficient way to build web applications. Looking forward, PHP is cementing its relevance in emerging technologies like AI, IoT, and cloud computing. 

The language’s ongoing evolution and wide-ranging applications demonstrate PHP’s enduring value in today’s rapidly evolving tech landscape.